14 Common Dreams And Their Meanings We Have About People


Dreams are a fascinating window into our subconscious mind, often reflecting our deepest fears, desires, and unresolved issues. While some dreams can be bizarre and nonsensical, others seem to carry significant meaning, especially when they involve people we know or care about.

Understanding these dreams can offer valuable insights into our emotions and psychological state.

In this article, we will explore 14 common dreams we have about people and what they might signify.

Having a Fight with Someone In A Dream

Dreams where you are battling with someone can suggest hidden anger. Dreams can reveal information that your subconscious may overlook, particularly if you ignore your emotions while awake.

Dreaming about engaging in a physical altercation with someone may serve as a method for letting out built-up feelings like anger, anxiety, or frustration.

Dreams about fighting are commonly caused by unresolved conflicts, but they may also result from impending events or experiences.
For example, a person scared of speaking in public may have aggressive nightmares of being assaulted in front of a big crowd, symbolizing their worries and nerves.

Alternatively, a person facing turmoil in their relationship may have dreams of arguing with their significant other, and their dream could serve as a tool to assist them in managing and dealing with the issue.

Dreaming About Your Ex

Dreaming about an ex-partner can stir up a lot of emotions. Such dreams often reflect unresolved feelings or lingering emotional connections. They might signify that you are still processing the breakup and dealing with leftover emotional residue.

Alternatively, they could highlight areas in your current relationship that need attention or improvement.

Potential explanations for dreaming about a former partner include lingering emotions, previous relationship-related pain, and recent interaction with that individual.

Theorists suggest that dreams may reflect daytime events or serve as preparation for real-life situations.

Dreaming About Someone You Love


When you dream about someone you love, it usually indicates unspoken desires or wishful thinking. These dreams can be a way for your subconscious mind to explore romantic possibilities and express your attraction. They can also reflect your hopes and anxieties about pursuing a relationship with this person.

Dreaming about being in a relationship with your crush is a clear indication of your desire to be romantically involved with them and your enjoyment of fantasizing about the potential relationship.

While you sleep, your brain is allowing you to preview your relationship by giving you a glimpse into the future.

Dreaming About Deceased Relatives

Dreaming about deceased relatives is a common way of coping with loss and seeking closure. These dreams can provide comfort and a sense of connection with the departed.

They might also signify that you are processing your grief and coming to terms with their absence in your life.

Besides dreaming about deceased family members commonly symbolizes the sorrow felt from the loss of a cherished person. Dreams can be so vivid that you momentarily lose sight of the fact that the other person is no longer present.

Though dreaming of someone who has passed away can bring comfort, it can also be unsettling at times.

Dreaming About Stabbing a Person

Dreaming About Stabbing a Person

Dreams about stabbing someone can be quite disturbing. They often symbolize deep-seated anger, hostility, or feelings of betrayal towards the person being stabbed. Such dreams can indicate that you are dealing with significant inner conflict and need to address these negative emotions constructively.

Dreaming About Committing Murder

Committing murder in a dream can reflect intense feelings of aggression or a fear of losing control. These dreams might arise from suppressed anger or frustration that you are unable to express in waking life. They can also symbolize a desire to eliminate certain aspects of yourself or your life that you find threatening or undesirable.

Dreaming About the Death of a Living Person

Dreaming About the Death of a Living Person

Dreaming about the death of someone who is still alive can be very unsettling. These dreams often symbolize your fears of losing that person or anxiety about changes in your relationship. They might also represent a symbolic ending, such as the end of a phase in your life or a significant transformation.

Dreaming About Someone Who Has Passed Away

Dreams about someone who has passed away can evoke a range of emotions, from comforting to unsettling. These dreams often reflect your ongoing process of mourning and adjusting to the absence of that person in your life. They may bring back memories or feelings associated with the deceased, allowing you to reconnect with them symbolically.

Sometimes, these dreams are interpreted as messages from the departed, providing guidance, reassurance, or closure that you may be seeking. Whether they bring peace or stir up unresolved emotions, dreams about someone who has passed away can offer a space for reflection and healing.

Dreaming About Kissing a Person

Kissing someone in a dream typically symbolizes a desire for intimacy and connection. It may represent romantic or affectionate feelings you have towards that person in waking life. These dreams often reveal a longing for emotional closeness and a desire to deepen your relationship with the person you are kissing.

They can also indicate a need for affection or a wish to express your feelings more openly. Whether romantic or platonic, dreams about kissing someone can highlight the importance of connection and intimacy in your life.

Dreaming About Someone You Care For Deeply

Dreams about someone you deeply care for often emphasize the significance of that person in your life. They reflect the emotional bonds and affection you feel towards them, underscoring their importance and impact on your well-being.

These dreams may also reveal your concerns for their happiness and safety, reflecting a desire to support and protect them. Whether they are family members, friends, or romantic partners, dreams about people you care for deeply can serve as reminders of the strength of your relationships and the value of mutual love and support.

Dreaming About Having Sex with Someone

Sex dreams can be straightforward expressions of sexual desire, but they often carry deeper meanings as well. Beyond physical attraction, these dreams may symbolize a longing for intimacy, emotional connection, or power dynamics within relationships. They can also highlight unresolved sexual tension or unfulfilled desires.

Dreaming about having sex with someone can provide insights into your subconscious thoughts and feelings about that person, revealing aspects of your relationship that may need attention or exploration. These dreams invite introspection and may prompt you to consider your emotional and physical needs in waking life.

Dreaming About a Celebrity

Dreaming about a celebrity often reflects aspirations, admiration, or a desire for recognition. These dreams symbolize your fascination with the qualities or achievements that the celebrity represents. They may also signify a yearning to escape from your everyday reality and experience the glamour or success associated with fame.

Dreaming about a celebrity can highlight your ambitions and goals, inspiring you to pursue personal growth or professional success. These dreams serve as reminders of your dreams and aspirations, encouraging you to strive towards achieving them while staying grounded in your own identity and values.

Dreaming About Corpses

Dreams about corpses can be unsettling, evoking fears about death and the unknown. However, they often symbolize transformation and the end of a particular phase in your life. Seeing a corpse in a dream may indicate that you are ready to let go of past experiences, beliefs, or relationships that no longer serve you. It can signify a process of inner growth and renewal, where you are preparing to embrace new beginnings and opportunities.

Dreams about corpses encourage you to confront your fears and uncertainties, recognizing that endings are often necessary for new chapters to begin. They prompt reflection on what you need to release or change to move forward in life.

Dreaming About Someone Being Pregnant or Having a Baby

Dreams about pregnancy or childbirth symbolize new beginnings, creativity, and potential in your life. They often reflect your hopes, anxieties, and anticipation about future projects, relationships, or personal growth. Seeing someone pregnant or giving birth in a dream may indicate a desire for growth and development in various aspects of your life.

These dreams can also signify the nurturing of new ideas, projects, or relationships that are in the process of coming to fruition. They encourage you to embrace change and transformation, recognizing the opportunities for renewal and expansion that lie ahead. Dreams about pregnancy or having a baby prompt you to explore your inner desires and aspirations, guiding you toward fulfilling your dreams and embracing the possibilities of the future.


Dreams about people are incredibly common and can carry a wide range of meanings. Whether they involve conflict, affection, or loss, these dreams offer valuable insights into our subconscious mind. By paying attention to the emotions and themes in our dreams, we can gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and our relationships.


Why do we dream about people we know?

We often dream about people we know because our dreams reflect our thoughts, emotions, and experiences. These individuals play significant roles in our lives, and our subconscious mind uses them to process various issues and feelings.

Can dreams predict the future?

While some believe dreams can be prophetic, most dreams are more likely to reflect our current thoughts, concerns, and emotions rather than predict future events. They can sometimes provide insights that help us make better decisions.

How can I remember my dreams better?

To improve dream recall, try keeping a dream journal by your bed and write down your dreams as soon as you wake up. Maintaining a regular sleep schedule and creating a relaxing bedtime routine can also enhance your ability to remember dreams.

Do recurring dreams mean something specific?

Recurring dreams often indicate unresolved issues or persistent thoughts that your subconscious mind is trying to address. They can signify underlying concerns or desires that need attention in your waking life.

How can I interpret my dreams?

Interpreting dreams involves paying attention to the emotions, symbols, and themes present in the dream. Reflect on how these elements relate to your waking life and personal experiences. Consulting dream dictionaries and seeking professional guidance can also be helpful.